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August 1952

September 1952

League Begins New Series of Meetings
Every Leaguer a Saleswoman!
Seen Here and There at the "Launching"
Financial Matters
Coming Events
What the League Is
Local Program
National Program
Voters Service

Voters Service

The purpose of the League's Voters Service program is to "give the voter a hand". In this election year, the plans of the committee include several projects designed to make more information available to Honolulu's voters.

In casting an intelligent ballot, it helps the voter to know the views of the candidates on public issues. The League is preparing a questionnaire to present to the candidates for City and County office before the primaries.

Their answers to these questions on local problems of wide interest pill aid the voter in making an informed selection.

A non-partisan rally for all candidates before the general election is also planned. Voters will be given equal opportunity to express their ideas.

Knowledge of the record of candidates who have previously held public office is also helpful. The Voters Service Committee is drawing up some information on action in the Board of Supervisors and in the Legislature, as a further aid to voters in choosing among candidates.

The League has up-to-date information on absentee voting laws in all the states. This will be made available to Honolulu's non-resident population, so that no citizen need miss the opportunity to vote in November.

Permanent goals of the League's Voters Service work include arousing in every citizen an active interest in his government, building an understanding of the essentials of representative government, and promoting party participation, the basic way for all citizens to be politically effective.

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