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November 1965

Calendar of Events
First Round November Unit Meetings - National Agenda
Coming Soon!
Aloha to Our Newest Members
Something to Think About
Open House for United Nations Day
Armchair Viewing
Protein Foods

Something to Think About

NOW IS THE TIME for you, the member, to start thinking about subjects you would like to see as the League's 1966-68 National Program. We need to make recommendations to our local board, so they in turn may send them in to our national office.

We wish to start your thinking with a few thoughts listed here, but by no means are these the most important or the only possibilities. There are still more ideas in our National Voter, the July, August, & September issues. Please dig them out and read over the suggested topics and do some thinking about this before our next unit meetings.

Federal-State Relations: Federalism is a dynamic concept. Old ways of looking at proper rules of state governments and the federal government change - are reevaluated as urbanism and regionalism nourish and as problems once resolved locally keep spilling over into the national arena. What about proposals to turn back "without strings" to states a portion of U.S. Treasury receipts? How can the states best adapt to today's dynamic federalism? Is regionalism the new "wave of the future"?

Human Resources: Having taken time out for an emergency item, do you wish to continue with our work in this area? Would you like to change the framework of this study? Do you see education as the first step toward greater equality of opportunity, such an emphasis could cover the broad spectrum of educational needs - preschool through college, vocational training and retraining. Perhaps you wish to put greater emphasis on employment aspects, or you might think that housing is the key to more equal opportunity and should be included.

U.S. Policy on China: The "China problem" poses not one but many problems for the U.S. Americans are uneasy, and some are recommending a variety of changes in our U.S. Policy on China. Year after year the admission of Communist China to the U.N. has been proposed, has been defeated - but, each time defeated, by a smaller margin. If Communist China is admitted, what then would the U.S, do - withdraw from the UN or support two Chinas as members? Should the U.S. re-examine its policy on trade with mainland China? How can the differences between Communist China and the U.S. be resolved? Will continuation of the differences eventually lead us into a world conflict?

These are but a few thoughts for you to ponder. Please read your National Voter's Lively Issues, and let's come up with some great ideas for our National Study item.


We have received a letter from the League of Women Voters of Burlington, Iowa, urging us to support the choice of a Congressional item for the 1966-68 National Current Agenda. They propose the following shift in order to avoid adding to the National Program, which is already a heavy load:

  1. Place the UN, FEP, and Water Resources items on CR.

  2. Retain the Human Resources item as CA-1, narrowing it to a specific facet in which the League can make the greatest impact.

  3. Adopt as CA.-2 the new item on Congress.

  4. Delete from CR's those items which have been inactive for several years and upon which little or no League action has been taken.

The proposed item: "U.S. CONGRESS: A study of Congressional operations and procedures to make the Legislative more responsive to-the electorate."

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