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January 1975

February 1975

January is Environment Month
President's Notes (Diane Hastert)
Welcome to New Members

President's Notes

It is with both a feeling of nostalgia and exhilaration that I turn over the calendar and wish each of you a Happy New Year. 1975 - many things to be grateful for. I clearly remember last year at this time many of us wondered if the country could endure the moral blows being dealt it by Watergate and surrounding revelations, and we can now reflect with some Pride on a "system" that worked. We can begin this new year with great hope for increasing honesty and openness in all levels of government.

That isn't going to let us work any less hard to involve ourselves and our neighbors, but it is a more pleasant climate in which to participate.

Pressing, serious problems don't go away - they seem only to replace each other. The current economic ills of the nation and the world frighten us all as we each feel the harsh effects of recession and accompanying inflation. The public and private leadership needed at all levels to cope with this nearly infathomable economic puzzle is enormous, yet we're going to have to insist on innovative solutions if we are to continue as a nation of strength. Each of us is going to have to be ready to accept possible severe changes in our life styles, become better re-cyclers and conservationists and more moderate consumers.

League programs continue to address pressing issues on local state and national levels. New year focus on the local level will be centered around the county General Plan Revision Program and the newly filed (therefore effective) Neighborhood Plan. We will try to help neighborhoods that begin to organize themselves under this plan in any way we can. Our lobbying and observer corps will be active throughout the legislative session, working to accomplish League goals and making friends with the many newly elected legislators.

Our units in January may well prove to he the year's highlights - as you'll read details in this Voter issue you'll see our environmental quality team of Anna Hoover, Jean Roberts and Judy Blatchford have created a series of tours to orient League members and the public in a wide variety of environmental problem areas. You can choose the one or several tour(s) that most interest you - I know many of you will try for all. They tap community experts, and in some cases allow access to areas not open to the public. This is a wonderful opportunity to bring a friend to a League event.

Through the New Year we will be having sessions on program planning (planning next year's program of study and action), an updating session on housing, a program on the national Executive, State finance consensus, and finally in April Honolulu Annual Meeting, followed by State convention in May. These last two items mean new programs, and new leadership - new ideas and a fresh approach to League.

In wishing you this happy new year, I again renew my pledge to try to meet each of you at a unit meeting during this year, and hope you will continue to cal me with your comments and suggestions.

Diane Hastert

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