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February 1970

Second Call to Convention
Proposed Program - 1969-70
President's Message (Marguerite Simson)
Consensus Report - Campaign Finance - February 1969 (Sue Cowing)
Legislative Committee Report (Alice Scott)
State League Nominees 1969-71: Who Are They? (Sue Thorndike)
We Have An Office!!!
League Notes
Aloha Kauai - New Group Joining State League

President's Message

Why a League Convention: The Hawaii League Convention completes the process of describing next year's League. The LWV is what it does. League program is not a wishful document, an unattainable utopia. It is a plan which the membership thinks it can carry out with the guidance of its selected leaders. Members, through their units, have been saying what State League should be. These messages were interpreted first by local boards, then by State Board. The proposed program resulted from careful piecing together of members' ideas - a single list program with varied emphasis.

You CAN change it. Have we read you correctly? If not, between now and April 17th members may suggest changes either through local boards or individually. State Board's final recommendation to Convention will reflect ideas communicated to it.

Do your Delegates Know What You Want? Delegates to Convention represent you. Communicate with them. The action they take is part of the League-describing process. Delegates will elect a new president and board of directors, whose duties will be to carry out the instructions provided by the rest of the convention decisions. Delegates will approve a budget, which is another way of describing the League. Delegates will decide whether to modify the by-laws, to describe more accurately the kind of program you have proposed. Finally, and most important, the delegates will select a program for the next two years. They may change emphases, deepen or reduce commitments, eliminate or add to the program within the limits of members' original suggestions. When the convention is finished, next year's League will be there for all to see.

Marguerite Simson

There once was a Leaguer named Brenda

Who squawked when she saw the Agenda.

So they said, "Where were you

When suggestions were due?

Speak your piece at the start, not the enda!"

The above lifted from Louisiana Voter, which lifted it from Missouri Voter, which . . . well where DID it originate?

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