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August 1970

January 1971

Memo from State
Water Quality Standards
Legislative News Report - August 1970 (Nan Lowers & Alice Scott)
News from the Environmental Study Committee
Analysis of Ballot Issue - Constitutional Amendment: BOE
National Program

News from the Environmental Study Committee

We testified on five bills relating to water quality. HB-1291 relating to the penalty for violations of the water standards. The committee has been waiting for this promised legislation for 3 years and this year the bill was introduced and passed, much to our surprise and pleasure. This bill makes the fine '',,500.00 per violation (per day) and gives the authority to the Health Dept which we hope will be able to enforce it. We plan to keep you posted on how the department plans to handle this responsibility.

SB-1132-OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY This bill was passed and signed by the Governor. It establishes a new office. It is doubtful if a head of the department or all 15 members of the committee will be obtained until after the November elections.

House Bill 1506: Established an Office of Environmental Quality. We were in basic agreement with the idea of the office, but had hoped that it would not be in an advisory capacity. This bill was filed.

HB1482 related to the Environmental Quality Office and was extremely nebulous. This bill set up a coordinating body and not much else. It wound up in Finance and Judiciary committees.

HB-1293-SOLID TIASTE STUDY BILL The committee was particularly fond of this bill and it passed.

HB-1292-APPROPRIATION FOR CONSTRUCTION GRANTS TO THE CITY AND COUNTY OF HONOLULU FOR SETTER TREATMENT FACILITIES AT SAND ISLAND. Tie concurred with the concept of the State participating in the treatment plant for Sand Island. This bill, however, limited aid to a Tertiary treatment plant and we asked that the State not limit its funds to a certain type of treatment plant as tertiary might not be necessary and we pointed out that the City and County of Honolulu has to construct some treatment plant on Sand Island no later than 1972 or be in violation of State law. Perhaps the answer would be a treatment plant of a primary .nature that could eventually be tied in to whatever the City,s study shows that will be necessary. This bill ended in the Finance Committee.

HB-1327 This bill related to tax exemptions for pollution control devices. .This bill was too loosely written and left too much to interpretation. We asked that it be reconsidered and perhaps some model legislation written which would include rules and regulations of the scope of tax breaks which would be given. As you know, our consensus is for limited assistance. The bill ended in the Finance Committee.

There were many bills regarding pollution introduced. Those concerning "Clean Air" will be analyzed and studied by the committee and membership.

League always encourages its members to join forces with other organizations which are interested in the same problems as the League. The CONSERVATION COUNCIL is working in the same areas of environment that League is plus others. Interested Leaguers are invited to join. Dues are $2.00 per year. Contact the following people:

Hawaii County - Dr. Alfred Tong

Roger Baldwin, Hilo Campus of the University

Honolulu County - George Sheets 737-1831

Kauai- At this writing we don't know the name of the chairman.

Maui - Carter Pyle

Pat Shutt, State Board environmental chairman for League has been elected as a vice-president for the Conservation Council.



You, as a League housewife and purchaser, can act in your own home against pollution. All soaps are bio-degradable. The problem is the Phosphate content. Join the campaign. Buy no product of a high phosphate content. Following is a list of products as tested by the University of Toronto laboratory for phosphate content. The estimated error on the percentages is plus or minus 10% of the figure shown. This means that if, for example, the figure is 40%, the actual value could lie anywhere between 36% and 44%.

PRODUCT - % Phosphate

Amway Trizyme - 52.5
Cheer - 44.5
Oxydol - 44 5
Tide XK - 43.5
Drive - 41.5
All - 35.
Bold - 32.5
Breeze - 32.
Amaze - 27.
Bestline B-7 - 27.
Wisk - 10.5

Instant Fels - 9
Lux - less than 1.
Ivory Snow - less than 1.

All liquid dish detergents were less than 1.00% phosphate

All - 45.
Finish 43.
Calgonite - 42.
Cascade - 36.5
Amway - 34.
Swish - 29.

LIGHT DUTY COMPOUNDS (Laundry and other uses)
Dreft - 34.
Zero - 7.5
Bestline Liquid - less than 1.
Nutri-Clean OLC - less than 1.

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