January 1951 Home   Newsletters

February 1951

March 1951

You Lose if Inflation Wins
Study Groups Meet
Congratulations from Miss Strauss (Anna Lord Strauss)
Mr. Nobriga Speaks at Meeting
Annual Meeting Next Month
Coming Events
U.N. and North Atlantic Pact
Attention, Leaguers! (Ruth Myers)
Big Government and the Citizen
Council Meeting in April
Agenda for New Term

Congratulations from Miss Strauss

A very complimentary letter has come from Miss Anna Lord Strauss to our president, Mrs. Ralph Myers. Miss Strauss writes:

I have just seen "We Elect" and I want to send to you and your members my heartiest congratulations. It is a most impressive piece of work and should do much to further your standing in the community.

I am sure that your members have gained much from the knowledge which they acquired in gathering the information.

A specific factual piece of work such as you have made available does more to give the League an accepted place in the community than anything else I know of. ... The more I travel in other countries as well as in our own, the more do I feel that sound local government is basic to all of our activities. It is here that one learns how government functions and what is meant by the basic precepts of representative democracy. And without sound local government and the experience that it gives us, we are unlikely to be able to guide ourselves in national and international matters. …

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