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Delegate to National Convention
February Unit Meetings
Unit Meeting Discussion Subject
Nominating Committee - Slate of Candidates

League of Women Voters of Honolulu
Honolulu, Hawaii
February 6, 1954

[ Nominating Committee - Slate of Candidates ]

Dear Leaguer:

Your nominating committee is happy to present the following slate of candidates for board positions open at this time.

It is understood that additional nominations may be made from the floor at the annual meeting, provided that previous consent of the nominee has been obtained.

Second Vice President: Mrs. Allan Saunders
Mrs. Saunders is a housewife; formerly associated with D.P.I. Department of Adult Education; also P.T.A. work, She has been Chairmen of the Finance Committee and is co-chairman of the Committee to Investigate the Sheriff's Office.

Recording Secretary; Mrs. Andrew C. Kyle
Mrs. Clare Kyle is a housewife at present, with business and secretarial experience, She has since joining the League in 1952, worked with Voters Service Committee, and has helped in various ways with typing and stencil cutting for several committees. She is recording secretary at the present time.

Treasurer; Mrs. Paul Ellis
Mrs. Jane Ellis is a housewife, working as a secretary as well. She was active on the Audit Committee in 1950 and Voters Service Committee in 1952. She was in charge of the distribution of the booklet, "They Appoint."

Director (2-year term): Mrs. Jules Fine
Mrs. Fine is a housewife with three children. Her activities in the League include the following: Chairman, Budget Committee (1950-54); Co-chairman, School Bond Rally (1950), Chairman, Auditing Committee (1950), Chairman, Nominating Committee (1950), Member of Membership Committee .(l950), In addition, Mrs. Fine is hostess for the Maunalani Heights Unit. Other activities include membership in the P.T.A. Legislative Committee.

Director (2-year term): Mrs. Hugo P. Kortschak
Mrs. Kate Kortschak is a housewife with four children. One is a junior member of the League. Mrs. Kortschak is Chairman of the Committee to Investigate the Sheriff's Office. Other activities include leadership of a Girl Scout Troop.

Director (2-year term): Mrs. Daniel Tuttle
Mrs. Tuttle is a housewife with a three-year-old child. A former student at the University of Illinois, with an M.A. in Spanish, Mrs. Tuttle has worked on the Finance Committee during her year in the League.

Director (1-year term): Mrs. Perry Phillip
Mrs. Phillip is a housewife and mother. She worked on the Charter Committee, and at present is Co-Chairman of the National Resource Committee.

Nominating Committee: Mrs. Herbert Rook, chairman
Mrs. Paul Miho
Mrs. Leo Fortess
Mrs. Dorothy Rook is a housewife, with two daughters. During her membership in the League in Oregon, she had varied experience as Secretary, Bulletin Editor, Local Resource Committee. In the local League, she is Unit Organization Chairman.
Mrs. Ruth Miho, a mother of two children, is well known to League members, having served as President for one year. Other activities in the League are as follows: Editorial Board, local government study, parks and recreation study, Charter Committee, Membership Committee (1953-54). Other interests are church work, P.T.A., Y.W.C.A.
Mrs. Fortess is a housewife, mother of two children; a former bacteriologist and teacher. Her League activities have been the following: Local Resource Chairman for Parks Board, Charter Committee, Committee to Investigate the Sheriff's Office, Nominating Committee. Mrs. Fortess is Chairman of the newly formed Kailua Unit.

Miss Mary Musgrove, chairman
Mrs. Norman Mellor
Miss Geraldine Milne
Mrs. C. F. Schutte
Miss Sai Yew Young

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