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March 1963

April 1963

Calendar of Events
March Units to Discuss Local Agenda
Here's Answer to Recall Question
March Units to Reach Consensus
LWV-Honolulu Budget and Proposed Budget for 1963-64
Report of the Nominating Committee - 1963-64
Local Agenda Item 1963-64
League Day Termed Success
Spring Cleaning?
Word about this Issue

March Units to Reach Consensus

The March unit meetings will discuss two consensus questions from the National Board. Members of the national study item committee will give short resumes of material pertinent to these two questions. Here are the questions so that you may be thinking about them.

  1. Is there any change in the opinion of your members on the present League position in support of the United Nations: "The League of Women Voters supports the U.N. system, including adequate financial contributions, increased use, and improved procedures (support of U.S. contributions to United Nations budgets, the United Nations bond issue, peace-keeping programs, economic and social activities, increased use of the World Court and repeal of the Connally Amendment)".?

  2. Is there any change in the opinion of your members on the present League position in support of Foreign Economic Policy: "The League of Women Voters supports U.S. economic policies and programs which promote world development and maintain a sound U.S. economy. Among these are: a) sound and adequate economic assistance program; b.) liberal trade policies; c) positive remedies for our balance-of-payments position"?

Recommended reading for Leaguers is Joseph Kraft's book "The Grand Design". The book is an excellent summary of the relationship of the U.S. to the Common Market countries, as well as a study of economic needs of our domestic economy.

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