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May 1972

Seven Elected! Program Adopted! By-Law Change Debated!
April Calendar
Unit: Spectrum "The L EAG ue and I" Part II
Community Announcements - Hawaii Nei 1972
Membership Memo
Voters Service
LWV General Meeting "Problems of Renting in Hawaii" (Vangie Lamberts)
Charter Commission - Observer's Report (Elizabeth Piper)
State Convention April 7th and 8th
National Updates
New Members Since December
Facts and Issues: Planning Part 3 - April 1972

Voters Service

Election Officiating

Many of our members had the opportunity in January and February to be election officials during the two elections called by the teachers' union. Since this sort of activity was new for us many questions were raised about our local leagues involvement in such undertakings and about the mechanics of mobilizing large numbers of members on short notice. In order to clarify this situation the following policy was adopted in principle at the March board meeting with the understanding that members would have a chance to discuss and offer their views at the April units. At the May board meeting members" opinions will be considered and a final policy formalized.

League of Women Voters of Honolulu Policy on Election Officiating

General Philosophy: LWV of Honolulu would be ready to officiate at all elections that we are invited to participate in if it can be demonstrated that the public interest would be benefited by our participation. In the two recent union-directed elections in which we were involved our presence bolstered the validity of the election results and possibly averted an unpleasant situation between the teachers/union/state. In such a case it is easy to see the value in an outside, nonpartisan group taking control of the election procedures.

Our requirements for participation include:

  1. We will assume no financial responsibility arising from our participation and we expect to be reimbursed for expenses we incur

  2. We must be able to set up or approve in advance the election procedures.

We shall be able to accept invitations from public groups and from private groups as well if the public good will be enhanced by legitimate elections.

We believe that this function is a specifically Voters Service function rather than that of a study committee. The expertise called for is definitely poll watching and balloting, which is not developed in a study committee.

Election officiating provides an opportunity for LWV members involvement in community affairs and satisfies a frequently expressed desire for action. It also could provide a method of recruiting new members. Public Relations activity could be a part of our involvement; LWV information and membership material could be made available.

Practical Details: Once a policy has been set by the Board for local league participation in elections the Voters Service Chairman should have the discretion to accept or reject any invitations received.. If the case is doubtful to her, the Board should be consulted. It is not recommended that a definite list of potential volunteers be established, but rather that the whole membership be called. To take the pressure off the regular unit callers special Action Callers could be set up to take over or share with the unit callers the task of making the telephone calls.

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