February 1984 Home   Newsletters

March 1984

April 1984

What's Fair in Fares? - General Membership Meeting
President's Message (Arlene Woo)
Announcement - Neighborhood Board (Mildred Walston)
League-Sponsored Presidential Primary Debates Scheduled
Program-Planning Membership Meeting
Public Hearings
National News
Vote Count News
When Your Dues are Due... (Mary Ellen Reed)
News Bits
TheBus Costs Money
Membership Update
Publications of the Dep't of Planning & Economic Development
Proposed Program 1984-85
Proposed Budget 1984-85

Program-Planning Membership Meeting

It was a small but determined and enthusiastic group that attended the member-ship meeting on January 25 and voted to propose the third phase of the National Security study for inclusion in National's 1984-85 program. The program suggested by the national board was adopted as the pro-posed program to be submitted to the national convention in Detroit in May.

The group proposed that the present Honolulu program be left intact, and some other items were suggested for inclusion.


Pat Shutt, national director and member of national's Long-Range Planning Committee, opened the first half of the meeting by stressing the the inevitable change that League faces with the drastically changing profile of the pool of potential League members. She suggested that League had better change and adapt to changing conditions if is to survive and continue to serve the community. "To remain the same is to die," she stressed.

Pat led the group through a stimulating session considering eleven "trial balloon" statements that concern the future growth and direction of League. She reported that she would be submitting the results of our deliberations to the long-range planning committee.

Anne Marie Duca chaired the second half of the meeting -- considering proposals for our national and local programs.

Nan Luter, Honolulu program chair, arranged for a delicious lunch which included a seafood salad bowl and a fruit tartlet.

February 1984 Home   Newsletters April 1984