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Vote '88
President's Message (Arlene Ellis)
Testimony on US - USSR Missile Treaty (Nancy M. Neuman)
Reapportionment - Yes! (Anne Lee)
Channel 20 (Katherine Loew)
More Exemptions from Land Use Controls? (Astrid Monson)
Membership Dues
OMPO May Meeting
1988 Constitutional Questions

1988 Constitutional Questions

It's never too early to begin thinking about the 1988 General election, especially in a Presidential year when other important issues are overshadowed. There will be three proposed constitutional amendments before the voter in 1988. I have provided the exact questions to be placed on the ballot with a brief summary of the proposals taken from the legislative committee reports.

"Shall the State of Hawaii assert and reserve its rights and interest in its exclusive economic zone for the purpose of exploring, exploiting, conserving and managing natural resources, both living and non-living, of the seabed and subsoil, and superadjacent waters?"

Testimony in favor of this amendment was given by the Office of State Planning and the Sierra Club, Hawaii Chapter. The testimony stated that "the amendment asserts the legal and moral legitimacy of Hawaii's rights and responsibilities to manage its exclusive economic zone resources in cooperation with the federal government."

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"Shall the age qualification for voting in the State of Hawaii be changed to include not only those who shall have attained the age of eighteen years on or before the date of the election, but also those who shall have attained the age of eighteen years on or before December 31 of the year in which the election is held?"

This bill generated much confusion in the Senate over its impact. Several Senators stated that it would require a separate state and federal ballot. This was based on their belief that persons who are not eighteen on or before the day of the election could not vote for the federal offices. The State Attorney General's office and research by the office of the lieutenant governor indicated that this belief was inaccurate.

The bill will allow those who are eighteen in the year of the election (but whose birthdates which fall after November 8, preclude them from voting) to vote.

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"Shall the requirements of minimum representation among basic island units be removed and the basis for reapportionment be changed from a registered voter base to a population base?"

This bill was supported by the League of Women Voters. Please see the accompanying article by Hawaii LWV President Anne Lee for an explanation of this bill.

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