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July 1994

President's Message (Suzanne Meisenzahl)
Annual Meeting
Kakaako Makai Plan
Waikiki Rezoning Proposal
Ewa/Central Oahu Development Plan Revision
Precinct Official Recruitment
Vote Count Cancellation

President's Message

The past six weeks and the excitement of my new role with the League of Women Voters of Honolulu has been marred by the loss of a friend. On April 22, 1994 Dr. Alison K. Adams, 39 years old, a victim of breast cancer passed away.

Same sex marriage is not an issue the League has chosen to study but in Alison's memory I would like to dedicate this first president's message to her and reprint for you excerpts from her testimony presented at the recent hearings before the State legislature.

"I am submitting this testimony in support of the Hawaii Supreme Court's historic decision in Baehr v. Lewin (the "same sex marriage" case). I oppose legislative attempts to undermine this important decision," she testified.

Alison described in detail the problems of lesbian couples who are unable to obtain the kind of health insurance heterosexual couples have.

"Finally," she testified, " I must express my dismay that so much energy is being expended in these hearings. How can we justify spending so much time and money for the sole purpose of making life difficult for people who love each other? Wouldn't this time be better spent preventing child abuse, ending domestic violence, improving our schools, reforming health care, or preventing cancer? Please do not let the historic significance of the Baehr v. Lewin decision be crushed by the ignorance and fears of people who are offended by the happiness of others."

There is lots for me to learn about politics in general and the League in particular. I do bring some management skills with me that I hope to put to good use.

In showing their support of me my company, Connoisseur Holidays, has donated to the League a computer, laser printer and software, including Wordperfect and Desktop Publishing. With this equipment we shall be able to produce flyers and our own newsletters professionally. It is my hope this valuable resource can be used by all of us to pool our energies and produce one monthly League newsletter to increase our visibility and increase membership.

We will be working on linking up our computer to the legislature as well as the city council.

One new board member, Pearl Johnson, comes to us with computer experience. Others are welcome. Please call me. Pearl recently graduated from the Olelo producers course, and this will enable us to produce League programs. Ideas are sought.

Some office rearranging has taken place, including a video center, but there is much to sort and file in an effort to make the collected data accessible to everyone.

Arlene Ellis, Voter Service; Annie Kim, Membership Chair and Marion Saunders, Schools have all agreed to continue to serve on our board. We would like to look into reestablishing the Ed. Fund.

I am looking forward to continuing my work in the area of domestic violence. As many other cities move forward in this area, we seem to be on a backslide. Another new board member, Pamela FergusonBrey, has agreed to agreed to chair a human rights committee to this end. Evelyn Bender has agreed to work with us, assuring we stay well within League guidelines. One of my goals is to represent the league on the Women's Legislative Coalition next year. This year the coalition addressed domestic violence, sexual harassment, missing children, and custody issues.

Suzanne Meisenzahl

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