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January 1969

March 1969

50th Anniversary Campaign Drive Is On!
First Call to Convention - April 18-19
Hawaii Constitutional Amendments Overlooked
Read All About It!
Do You Give a Damn about... (Marie Gilson)
Look at the Inner City
President's Message (Marguerite Simson)
Voters Brochure "Snapped Up"
We Congratulate Leaguers
And More Congratulations...
Thanks for a Job Well Done
Can You Help?
Something New Has Been Added
What a Pitch!

50th Anniversary Campaign Drive Is On!

The entire year 1969 will be CAMPAIGN and CELEBRATION as the League of Women Voters nears its fiftieth birthday. The decision of the National Board to combine a major fund drive with the League's 50th Anniversary celebration was a decision made after prolonged and careful study. There was recognition that over the past decade local and state Leagues had worked hard to keep their contributions to National high enough to meet National's needs... but it just wasn't enough. In order to meet their expenses, National had to repeatedly dip into reserves, and this has highlighted the financial crisis. Moreover, the Board felt that local and state Leagues were limited in their own development and expansion as needs were growing faster than resources. A reckoning had to come...

Leaguers, who pride themselves on realism, are now seeing finances "as they are" for the first time. With the help of consultants and objective business friends, realistic goals have been set.


The goals of the 50th Anniversary Campaign are clear and straightforward--to so strengthen the financial base of the League that it can, at all levels local, state and national, reach its full potential of service in political effectiveness,

The overall goal is $11,000,000 -- and it begins with YOU the League member. What will you give to express your faith in the League? Before any Community support is solicited in the Campaign, League members are being asked to give a once-in-a-lifetime contribution--which may be spread over three years. Can you make it three-times any amount you have previously given?

The hope is that members contributions will raise $5,000,000 of the total. Only then will the League be able to ask outside assistance--in the knowledge that Leaguers have already demonstrated their belief in the significance of League program. The balance will come from non-League sources, foundations, corporations, businesses, and individuals.

Member Contributions $5,000,000

Corporate Gifts 1,100,000

Major Gifts 2,400,000

Community Campaigns 2,500,000


One of the important goals, beyond the funds to be solicited, is the opportunity the League has to take its CASE to the public all across the country--to tell the League story as it has been, and it can be in the future.


All services developed by the League will benefit from Anniversary funds, including the Education Fund and the Overseas Fund. A substantial amount will be added to the reserves and income from this will be available for current needs.

Allocations are:

Strengthening program resources $ 3,575,000
Voters Service, conferences, professional assistance,innovation in community projects

Strengthening membership resources 1,925,000
larger membership, better training tools, more membership involvement, more communication

Strengthening Organizational capability 2,250,000
more staff at all levels, supporting services, more leadership training, more interchange among local Leagues

Strengthening Endowment 3,250,000
provide income to apply to growth needs of national, state and local

The basic purposes and structure of the League will remain unchanged; but the funds available from the Anniversary Drive will enable the League to play new and more significant roles in a number of areas.

"Another area where more money would make a very great difference is buying routine services so that the League volunteer who, according to John W. Gardner, form a nationwide network of active citizens, self-selected for public concern, can use the knowledge and experience and expertise in government they have gained in the League not in spending hours typing stencils and collating pages of mimeographed material, but for instance, in figuring out how to write the material more briefly and clearly, and how to get it distributed on the broadest possible scale, and how to develop contacts outside of the League that will make that distribution possible."

One significant change was brought up by Mrs. Christopherson at the National Convention in Chicago. She was speaking to the point of the complexity of current problems, and the speed of communication about them. "...we know that the League has far too long equated its role as a voluntary organization--indeed, its very integrity--with its use of volunteer energies... The fact that we are falling behind; we cannot meet--and are not meeting--the growth and efficiency standards of today's world. We package our product poorly. Effectiveness--political effectiveness--in the complicated current scene demands a pitch and tempo of performance which volunteer hours alone cannot provide."

She becomes specific At every local level program work could and deserves to call upon expertise. At local levels this can sometimes be free, or for nominal charge. At state and national levels the whole host of cost items come into play... This only underlines the importance of attendance at professional meetings and conferences. This needs to be provided for in all League budgets... Only the volunteer can define our objectives. In working to realize them we need to bring to bear as much expertise as we can secure. The use of funds to supplement volunteer work is a must.'

This departure from reliance wholly on volunteer efforts is an important one. It will be highly sensitive to the resources available within the League in each locale. At best, it could free the League member to make a more significant contribution through her time and skills. And it could bring about greater training in citizen -- working-with-expert--a growing need in current society.

These things are possible only if YOU contribute...and GENEROUSLY.


begins the



Mrs.Marion Saunders, Chairman

Mrs. Pearl Nishimura, Finance Chairman

Mrs. Betty Tobiasson, Public Relations Chairman and Honolulu LWV Chairman

Mrs. Dale Bachman, Hawaii County LWV Chairman

Marguerite Simson, State President, ex-officio

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