Women and the Vote - Herstory - PowerPoint presentation for Laniakea YWCA, JoAnn Maruoka, March 8, 2012
Electoral Process Briefing Charts - PowerPoint presentation for St. Andrew’s Priory, JoAnn Maruoka, Nov. 1, 2010
Election Process briefing charts (PowerPoint) for Monsanto field workers, Piilani Kaopuiki (with JoAnn Maruoka, Joy Marshall, Teresa Lau) April 13, 2010 - Photos Here!
State Ethics Commission Testimony: May 12, 2010
April 7, 2010
February 17, 2010
League Testimony on Elections 12/2/09,
Election Rules 12/11/09,
Bed & Breakfast 12/15/09
Election Plan for the 2010 Elections - Precinct Closings
Op Ed: "We Can't Furlough the Elections" 12/10/09
"The 2010 Elections: Where We Are, How We Got Here and Why We Need Your Help." - Kevin Goodenow 10/17/09
Election Process briefing charts (PowerPoint) JoAnn Maruoka, St. Andrews Priory, Sept. 29, 2008
Election Process briefing charts (PowerPoint) Piilani Kaopuiki, Job Corps, Sept. 24, 2008
Hawaii Elections Commission Testimony September 26, 2007
Hawaii Elections Commission Testimony, March 1, 2007
Con Con
ConCon 2010
ConCon: Letters to the Editor Jean Aoki
LWV Kauai ConCon Forum (segment with Rep. Morita and Mr. Lewis) online.Oct. 4, 2008.
Con Con briefing charts (PowerPoint) JoAnn Maruoka, Kauai, Oct. 4, 2008
Con Con Ready to Run Conference (MS Word - intro) (JoAnn Maruoka) May 28, 2008
Con Con Ready to Run Conference (PowerPoint - presentation) (JoAnn Maruoka) May 28, 2008
Con Con Study Committee Report (Jean Aoki) April 2008
No Consensus Pro or Con for LWV Honolulu Jean Aoki, Aloha Voter, April 2008
Letter to Governor Lingle... Feb. 3, 2009
Con Con 2010 - Yes or No? (Jean Aoki) Ka Leo Hana May 2007
ConCon 1998
LWV-Hawaii Position on Con Con 1998
Con Con Question, (Jean Aoki) Aloha Voter September 1997
New York State Con Con Vote, Ka Leo Hana Fall 1997
Consensus on Con Con, (Jean Aoki) Aloha Voter May 1996
Con Con '98?, Aloha Voter insert April 1996
Con Con '98? -- No!, Ka Leo Hana insert Fall 1996
ConCon 1978
Con Con '78: A Wrap-Up, Leo Hana Fall 1978
Hawaii's State Constitution: What Should it Contain?July, 1978
State League President Beppie Shapiro interview Honolulu Star-Advertiser
Friday, August 10, 2012
Civil Unions. Honolulu Civil Beat. Jean Aoki and JoAnn Maruoka. 1/18/2011.
Mary Anne Raywid [1928-2010]. selected writings.
League Testimony on Oceanic Cable Application for Franchise Renewal - 9/29/09
State League Convention, April 28, 2007
Honolulu City and County Annual Report 2007
2007 LWV-Hawaii State Board
Countdown on Reapportionment, Anne F. Lee - February 1981 |
Domestic Violence: Family Court Monitoring Project - 1996
Domestic Violence: Victim Safety in Hawaii - 1998 |
Filling Midterm Legislative Vacancies in Hawaii - Issues & Analysis, August, 1988 |
Garbage There's no "away" to throw it to...besides, we need the stuff - Feb. 1974 |
Honolulu League's 40th Birthday Party 1987 |
Initiative & Referendum Revisited 2003 |
Jean Aoki Receives ABOTA-Hawai'i 2008 Ha'aheo AwardNovember, 2008 |
Judicial Independence in Hawaii, July 2003 |
Letter to Governor Lingle re: publicly funded elections, May 7, 2008 |
Should Hawaii Legalize Gambling? Facts & Issues, June 1997 |
Vote by Mail: Facts & Issues, January 1999 |
Education: "Reflections on a System in Transition", "Captains of Change" Lecture Series, December 4, 1989. Dr. Mary Anne Raywid, Visiting Professor, University of Hawaii. |
Mary Anne Raywid - on education...
League Leaders:
Newspaper articles - 1950s & '60s
"The LWV's Mrs. Arlen (Alice) Scott - her eye is on the Council" Star-Bulletin-Advertiser, November 2, 1969 |
""League of Women Voters - Someone Out There Cares"," Sunday Star-Bulletin & Advertiser, April 9, 1967. |
""The League of Women Voters - Here's What it is and What it Does"," Honolulu Star-Bulletin , April 10, 1960. |
LWV Questions Isle Candidates - clippings, Star-Bulletin and Advertiser, Sept. 10-18, 1958. |
Service to Voters Honolulu Sunday Advertiser, Sept. 14, 1958. |
Charter Opinion Split Along Party Lines, By Robert Johnson, Honolulu Advertiser - Sept. 30, 1958. |
Candidates' Rally - clippings, Star-Bulletin and Advertiser, Oct. 14-15, 1958, League info sheets. |
Honolulu League Polls Candidates - clippings, Star-Bulletin and Advertiser, Aug-Oct 1956 |
League of Women Voters Honolulu Sunday Advertiser, By Barbara Prock, Nov. 25, 1956. |
Bulletin of LWV-Honolulu, Oct. 1954. |
Can You Vote?, LWV-Honolulu, Oct. 1954 |
Help for Puzzled Voters, Mrs. Ralph C. Hoeber, Hawaii Weekly, Nov. 2, 1952 |